
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Great Debate Over Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamin C

Most of us do not think about where Vitamin C comes from. We see labels on packages that show oranges and we assume its safe. I have done some research on this and have found that there are lots of complaints about synthetic Vitamin C in stores because it is not natural or raw, it comes from a lab. Some say though that it absorbs the same way, some say it can cause damage too your body. There is so much debate, I can't come to a conclusion about it at all. So, I will say the good news is that since this is a Natural Health blog, I can honestly suggest eating foods and getting your Vitamin C raw. You can get supplements that are raw lie Vitamin Code, and guess what I found? Camu Camu, is a fruit that grows in the swamp of the amazon rainforest. It has been studied, and found to have whopping amounts of Vitamin C. It has 2145 mg of C per serving! It also has 15.7 mg of Calcium, 83 mg of Potassium, and 12.4 g of Magnesium. 60 times more C than an orange! On that note, did you kn

Benefits Of Going Organic

Organic food has become more mainstream in recent years. Over 82% of U.S. households buy organic. 14% of all fruits and vegetables bought are organic.  Americans spend 50 billion a year.( I used to know a woman that ate organic food only, even chocolate. She was the right thin size, never was sick, never had physical issues. She seemed to have tons of energy for a Mother of four. Jillian Michaels said in her book: Master Your Metabolism The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot & Healthy Body that she had a friend that maintained her weight always, because she only ate organic. Jillian says to buy organic, the foods you eat the most of. Research has shown in studies to have more antioxidants, omega 3's, and vitamins than regular milk.  It can help prevent diseases like Cancer, heart disease, vision problems, cognitive malfunction. Extra soft to soft pillows There ate reported stories of weight loss. Why? Because there are no

Can You Let Go Of The World's Most Popular Food?

Statistics show from 2016 that wheat production was 910 billion dollars. It was 752 Metric tons. With that number, take a look at health issues. 75-90% of the world is impacted by food intolerances. 200,000 new cases a year prop up for Celiac Disease.  Their are 3.5 million doctor visits annually for IBS. 60% females, 30% males. Not everyone goes to a doctor so its not entirely accurate. My personal story with wheat has always been negative. I struggled with reactive Hypoglycemia in my twenties, and could only have whole wheat. I didn't like how I felt on any of it. By 2006, I was having major digestive issues. I stubbornly held on to my wheat fixation even though my stomach was miserable. IBS is something, that unless you have it, you won't understand how bad it is. I had what you would call episodes. I'd eat an offending substance like wheat, too much sugar, or fat, and a short time later I was on a toilet sweating, pain shooting through my lower abdomen to the po

Panic Attacks-A Hidden Deficiency?

In May of 2016, I was having strange symptoms. For three hours, I had my arms go numb, and travel up and down tingling. This really frightened me. I couldn't fix it, didn't know what to do so by the time I staggered out into the living room to get my Mother, I was in a very bad place. I could not breathe, my left arm felt like fifty rubber bands were tied around it. I squeaked for my Mother. At first, she just kept saying that I didn't have insurance. One look though, and ran upstairs to figure something out. I could not walk at all, and still couldn't breathe. We tried going to an outpatient place, but they couldn't help me, and I kept sliding down in my chair. The nurse told me to go to the ER, and drink water in case it was a heart attack. I thought it was a heart attack, truly because I was having chest pains. My life flashed before my eyes the long drive to the hospital. A persons faith matters, and I have to say I was not really afraid of dying(I f

Maca For Female Hormonal Balance

Maca root is a Peruvian vegetable with properties to naturally balance not just estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, but adrenals as well. I discovered it a few years back, and took three a day to see if it would help my ovulation, and menstrual migraines. It took great consistency, every day but it did work. I had to take two or three to notice a difference. Maca is also for stamina, energy, fertility, and libido. Some women have reported having tender breasts and PMS on it, so in certain woman may not work. Certified Organic, GMO-Free, Fair Trade Maca of All Varities I took it for three months, had hardly any hormonal migraines at all. Some doctors say not to take it for long period of time, because your body can build up a tolerance. Its never best to stay on an herb for more than a few months. Stop for awhile, alternate with something else. Alternatives are: Votes( chasteberry), Evening Primrose Oil, Flax Oil. These can all balance hormones. Resources: Top Fiv

Natural Supplements That Work On H.Pylori and Ulcers

I have had an ulcer for two years. I ignored it mostly. I went on about my business, taking regular aspirin based execedrin every day, even twice a day.  I kept ignoring a bad feeling that this was a mistake, only to pay a horrific price later on. So fast forward to May of 2017, and the  bottom fell out. Everything I ate and drank seemed to make me feel sick after a few hours. I kept having this strange illness pop up where I would feel drained, achy and weird, and then start running to the bathroom with stomach virus symptoms . I emptied Charcoal containers to get it to stop. It would take a trip to the ER, and back home, weeks later to finally come to the conclusion that I had an ulcer. I might say, not just one, but several. How do I know? Because every time I bent over, it felt like holes were sucked into my stomach around the entire region. I did  not recognize them as holes, I thought I was hungry, or had kidney stones,  or something. Nope. Then, I was nauseus all the time,

The Surprising Remedy For IBS

For those who have IBS, life is pretty miserable. I have had it ever since I took an antbiotic for the first time at 30 years of age. My stomach was never the same after that, and since then I have suffered horrible, painful attacks. A year ago I discovered what is practically a cure, or the closest thing to it-Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Its true that there is no cure completely for IBS, but Raw Vinegar settles your stomach within ten to twenty minutes.  I have found that even if I do go, there are no cramps, and the pain is massively down. In 85% of my life I have found I dont go to the bathroom as much, as long as I use vinegar. It is  also true that I have strict reigns on my diet for best results. But even in the past, one dietary mistake and I am miserable. With vinegar there is more freedom. Since I have been taking it, I barely use Immodium except out in public, in a hurry. The best way I have found to take Braggs is to take measuring spoons, pour a teaspoon or more

How This Candy Can Help Your Stomach

As I said in other posts, I have an ulcer. When I take Immitrex for my migraines, I felt sick for three hours. It was brutal to feel nauseus and have nothing touch it. Nausea pills did nothing. It was not until I discovered a desperate method that is rather healthy, and works! Gummies, and Aloe. Yep. I took beef gelatin strawberry gummies, but you can use regular ones. I would take up to eight of them depending on the size. I then would take an aloe plant, and cut off a session, and eat the pulp out of it. Sometimes I felt so nauseus, I had to eat three pieces of it. But shockingly it worked! Aloe is full of vitamins and minerals, but the pulp is thick and coats your stomach very well, so if you have an Ulcer, or a stomach condition that feels sick when you take certain pills, try this method. If you don't want to try gummies, you can try aloe alone, and that will work. So gummies and aloe for stomach upset is a great idea, and when you are desperate enough, you will try any

Unexpected Benefits From This Natural Spice

Tumeric is a great spice. It kills bad bacteria, helps with inflammation, can help some gut problems such as Candida as well as the immune system. It can be used as a natural form of Advil. Recently, I had these pressurized teeth headaches on the right side of my mouth. It went into my ear tube. Common sense told me, or what I thought it was, that the pain was coming from my wisdom tooth in the back. It never occurred to me to check my mouth deep in my gums.  Sure enough, I had oral thrush twice in just a few months. I didn't know it at the time I dumped Tumeric on it though. It was an experiment to see if it would help, and I noticed slowly within minutes, my ear tube hurt less, the pain ceased, and I felt better. As I went to rinse out the Tumeric, I used toothpaste on my teeth. When I was done, I was shocked to find out it is also a natural teeth cleaner. So, curious I look it up online, and yes it is! It is a teeth whitener. I still dump Tumeric on my gums for inflamma

The Only Thing You'll Ever Need In Your Medicine Cabinet

What I'm about to tell you has been tried, and tried again. Its white, bulbous, and smells...Garlic. We've heard it has great benefits, but God has brought this amazing life saver to me, that has helped prevent a lot of heartache! Stomach viruses, and bugs Yes, instead of Charcoal or Clay, you could be using garlic. The next time you start having symptoms of a stomach virus or bug, grab fresh garlic, and start taking up to eight cloves over three to four hours. Try half a clove at a time, by chewing it in slices. Wash it down with a drink that has citric acid like Koolaid. You will go to the bathroom a few times, but after that it flat lines it. You should start building up urine instead, as it gathers the toxins. You might get warm but you won't get sick. Autoimmune Disorders For the past year, I've had strange, mysterious stomach troubles that mimicked a virus at times. Come to find out, its a reaction in my gut that triggers a strong response, mimi