Panic Attacks-A Hidden Deficiency?

In May of 2016, I was having strange symptoms. For three hours, I had my arms go numb, and travel up and down tingling. This really frightened me. I couldn't fix it, didn't know what to do so by the time I staggered out into the living room to get my Mother, I was in a very bad place. I could not breathe, my left arm felt like fifty rubber bands were tied around it. I squeaked for my Mother. At first, she just kept saying that I didn't have insurance. One look though, and ran upstairs to figure something out.

I could not walk at all, and still couldn't breathe. We tried going to an outpatient place, but they couldn't help me, and I kept sliding down in my chair. The nurse told me to go to the ER, and drink water in case it was a heart attack.

I thought it was a heart attack, truly because I was having chest pains. My life flashed before my eyes the long drive to the hospital. A persons faith matters, and I have to say I was not really afraid of dying(I felt very spiritual at the time),I did feel sad to leave with an unfulfilled life, but honestly prayed that if God wanted me to die, so be it. I had hated my life so much, I just wanted it to stop.

I had to walk up a ramp to the ER, which didn't help me. It was like hearing someone else talk when I said: "I'm having chest pains". They put me in a wheelchair, and rolled me in a room. I could not breathe for nothing, and had a very quizzical Respiratory Doctor look like he was going to slap me. He said my oxygen was 100% and they didn't understand.

I got up to use the bathroom, and almost passed out in the hallway. My legs wouldn't work. I tried telling them about the arm tingles, how it moved in waves to my left foot as well. They just stared at me. A heart attack was ruled out, but only after they frightened me to death by giving me a nitro patch, and four baby aspirin.

They ran test after test. The next day, they said I had emptied all the carbon dioxide in my body. Apparently that explains why I thought I couldn't breathe, couldn't walk. They said they had never seen that before. They had also said my blood sugar ran as high as 260 in moments. I was told I was a possible Type 2 Diabetic. Here's what's wrong with that theory: I tested myself several times, and my blood sugar was normal. I have always had though, the very controversial hypoglycemia since I was in my twenties, so I'm almost borderline.

Here's what I think it might be in all seriousness: a B12 Deficiency.
Why would I have that? Well, looking back I was sucking down four Excedrin every day. I still had gut problems, an ulcer off and on, and IBS, and Candida. Those conditions scream deficiency because when your gut is that compromised, you don't absorb nutrients. I've been homeless level poor for years, and ate the same garbage over and again: wheat, carbs. On top of that, I had bad stress, and anxiety which depletes the gut further.

A few weeks after I got out of the hospital, I started having dizzy spells. I was in church, felt sweaty, clammy. Had heart palpitations. The room was spinning wildly. I had to leave. Sadly the dizziness continued for two months. Bright lights bothered me so much, I had to wear sunglasses.  I took Benadryl and Dramamine to stop it. Somewhere I started taking a B Complex on a whim. Sure enough, it worked. I was dizzy less often, and eventually cured.

So that is why I feel I had the panic attack, and the dizzy spells because of nutrient deficiency. You know what's scary? There isn't a doctor on earth that will ever test you for deficiencies. I hate to sound negative, but the ugly truth is they will let you almost die before they get to that conclusion, and I guarantee it will be given a false name of a condition you probably don't have.

B12 deficiency symptoms are: tingling, numbness, staggering unable to walk, anemia, all of which I've had. Vision disturbances explain why bright lights hurt. For those of you who might argue that I need lab work, I've had it done already. As far as disease goes, I don't have any cancer. I came back negative for Diabetes as well. I have never had nutritional testing. I guarantee that would tell a different story! Its a very serious thing to have nutrients depleted in your body, and can be fatal. Check your symptoms, avoid what I did.

There is a direct correlation between B12 and carbon dioxide!
I'm not crazy! I've been hurt by the medical community though. My hospital stay was traumatic. The doctor that came in the next day, was extremely nasty and cruel. She gave me a false diagnosis, a scathing report all for nothing. I never raised my voice, or caused problems. I did refuse a stress test because I was violently nauseus, and had to go back to my room.

I could have reported the Doctor, but sucked it up, and decided to let God take care of it. Until Doctors are willing to understand patients without judgement, we will continue to have problems.

And yes, panic attacks are caused by a variety of things, but in my case it was unique. In my defense, panic attacks mimic symptoms of a heart attack, so it is scary, also embarrassing.

Some last an hour, mine lasted for six hours! So its hard. Some was stress, some was a legitimate underlying problem.

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